Furgeson Discipline Policies


Furgeson Elementary is sincerely committed to providing and maintaining a safe, caring, and positive school wide learning environment.  Positive attitudes toward school, self, and good citizenship are goals for each student.   


We adhere to a school-wide system of supports known as Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS) that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting student behaviors to create a positive school environment. 


PBIS is a framework or approach that is prevention-oriented.  It allows us to adopt and organize evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.  PBIS is NOT a packaged curriculum. 


Through PBIS our entire staff focuses on positive approaches to teaching children self-discipline and fostering self-esteem.


Your support is crucial for a successful implementation of our discipline policies. Teachers are expected to establish a positive classroom climate and to follow through with consistent consequences in a timely manner.  


OFFICE REFERRALS:  When a student receives an office referral, parents are notified and a copy is sent home for parent signature.  An office referral is sent for what we consider “major behavior problems”.  See list below.  The signed referral needs to be returned to the office.  Your signature indicates you have read the referral and consequences assigned and have discussed the appropriate expectation with your child.   Questions or concerns regarding referrals need to be addressed with the principal.  An office referral will be issued if the behavior occurs in any of these settings:  while on school grounds, while going to or coming from school, during, while going to, or coming from a school sponsored activity.


CONSEQUENCES:  As per the PBIS model, we will continue to teach students appropriate behavior expectations.  As per ourPeaceBuilder curriculum, we will emphasize the importance of “Righting Wrongs” and “Helping Others”.  Therefore, whenever possible, students may be assigned community service which may include helping in classrooms or beautifying our school.  These activities will take place during the students’ recess time or if necessary, after school.  If a student is assigned “in-school suspension” the principal will assign the student to a different classroom or the principal’s office to complete work.  Parents will be notified. 




ŸAll electronic equipment  

ŸDangerous Objects    

ŸGraffiti instruments     













Ÿ Drugs                        



Ÿ Toys                               

Ÿ Matches

Ÿ Lighters   

Ÿ Laser pointers

Ÿ Skates/Skate shoes



**Only marking pens provided by a teacher for legitimate classroom purposes are allowed at school and must remain in the classroom.


**Cell phones must stay in the off position and in backpacks.  Otherwise, they will be confiscated, the school is not responsible if it is lost or stolen.


The Furgeson staff will not assume responsibility for prohibited items brought to school that become lost, stolen, or damaged.   Any inappropriate items and electronics brought to school will be confiscated and returned ONLY to the parent/guardian after arrangements have been made with the office personnel.



The following major behavior problems are unacceptable.  Any of these will result in an automatic office referral and a consequence that may include:  in or out of school suspension, in-school community service or expulsion.  Consequences are determined on a case-by-case basis. 


Damaging School Property                      ­ Major Disruption                          ­ Overt Defiance

Profanity or Inappropriate language        ­ Intimidate                                      ­ Bullying/Harassment


Other:  Physical aggression, fighting, drugs, weapons, stealing, racial slur, technology violation,

              forgery, leaving campus without permission, repeated major behavior problems.