Good attendance helps children do well in school and eventually in the workplace.
- It is the parents’ responsibility to schedule all doctors’ appointments and other events after school hours or on non-school days.
Excused and unexcused absences easily add up to too much time lost in the classroom. Students are at risk academically if they miss 10 percent of the school year.
Sporadic, not just consecutive, absences matter. Avoid unnecessary absences. Some absences are unavoidable. Occasionally, children get sick and need to stay home. What is important is getting children to school as often as possible.
- Attendance is taken into account for academic awards and students are disqualified due to absences, tardies, and early pick-ups.
- Tardiness and Early Pick ups affect your child and your child’s class.
- If your child arrives to school after the 8:30am bell, he/she must come through the office to pick up a tardy slip. Tardiness and Habitual Truancy* will be recorded on school attendance records. Habitual tardiness and truancy will result in a conference with the principal and possible referral to SARB.
The District offers a centralized attendance notification system to inform you in writing of your child’s attendance record. Our school will hold attendance meetings with the principal, teacher, parent and student to work together and find ways to overcome barriers to getting to school.
In an effort to improve and support our attendance data, Furgeson will do the following:
- Pursue an average daily attendance goal of at least 98% per classroom.
- Decrease the number of tardies and early-outs
- Monitor and publicize monthly classroom attendance percentages
- Recognize and reward monthly and trimester perfect attendance and improvement on attendance
What should I do if my child must be absent?
- Call the school office at (562) 229-7855 before 8:30 a.m. Otherwise, parents will be contacted at home or work to verify child’s absence.
- Report an absence CLICK HERE to fill out our absence form.
- Send a doctor’s excuse or parent note (required by law).
- Inform us immediately of any communicable disease.
- Should your child appear on the verge of illness, keep him/her home. A sick child not only gets much less from instruction, but often unfairly exposes others to illness.
*TRUANCY: Education code, Section 48200 requires students between the ages of 6 and 18 to attend school full time. Students are to be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. Habitual Truancy is defined as a student who has three or more unexcused absences and/or tardies (30 minutes or more in duration) within one school year (Ed. Code 48260).