Welcome to RSP at Furgeson Elementary School

The Resource Specialist Program provides support to students with special needs in academic areas. The services provided by the Resource Program help to better meet the learning needs and ensure success in the regular program. The special education teacher consults/collaborates with the regular classroom teacher and parents to develop strategies, interventions and modifications to help the student work with the core curriculum in the regular classroom. The focus is on helping students in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics.

The goal of the Resource Specialist Program is to help the student achieve and work to his/her potential. In addition, the goal is to overcome or adapt to specific challenges both in the regular classroom and in everyday life. In some instances, the Resource Program provides support in the least restrictive environment, which may or may not include support in both in the classroom and in a small group setting. 

Overall, the goal of RSP program is to provide learning support needed so that children can achieve grade level standards and overcome their disabilities so that they can perform in future years without those services.