School Wide Behavior Colors


School-Wide Behavior Colors:  All classrooms use our school-wide behavior colors to help students monitor and improve their own behavior and to keep parents informed.  Students are expected to use the color system to reflect, correct their own behavior, and be rewarded by moving their pin or changing their color to the most appropriate one throughout the day.  






Excellent - Above

Praise, Reward


Good – Expected

Praise, Reward



Warning- Caution

Needs improvement

Verbal Warning

Time Out (in class)



Danger Needs improvement


(buddy-teacher, walk during recess)

**Warning Note sent home


Unacceptable – Serious

Call home, Office Referral



How it works:    During the course of the day a students move clothespin up and down the chart based upon the behavioral choices each student makes. If using cards, students move their cards accordingly.   Card color matches behavior presented by student.    Every day begins in green with the expectation  that students will work their way to purple. 


Purpose of the color system:

  • A discipline strategy to promote positive behaviors.
  • To teach natural consequences.
  • To teach students to monitor and improve their own behavior.


PARENTS ROLE:  Help your child reflect and discuss the areas that need improvement.  Set a goal with your child and praise the behavior, not the color.  If your child got yellow, orange or red, talk about how he or she will act differently the next day.