Volunteer opportunities and requirements




The support of all volunteers is always welcome and greatly appreciated. The following District policies are in place for our students’ protection and in accordance with the law. 


Tuberculosis Testing:  All persons who serve as a volunteer at a school site and are in contact with students five (5) hours or more per week must provide proof of a current tuberculin test (TB test) to be kept on file at our school site.  The testing must be completed within 60 days prior to your assignment and must be retaken every four years. Please see the school secretary for a list of times and sites where you may obtain the test for a nominal fee.


Fingerprinting:  Parents attending overnight field trips are required to be fingerprinted.  Effective July 1, 2010, AB346 requires that all new volunteers who work with students in school-sponsored activities (after school) without the supervision of a certificated teacher, be fingerprinted by both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). 


The following Volunteer opportunities exist at our school.  We appreciate ANY amount of time you are available to support our school.  You may come as many days as you wish and stay for as long as you are available.   Our parent room is always busy with a project!  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our office (562) 229-7855.


- Parent Volunteer Room H:  Welcome any time Monday through Friday between 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.  Help is needed making copies, collating pages, cutting, pasting, laminating, creating booklets, and much more! 


- Classroom Volunteers:  Arrangements with classroom teacher must be made prior to volunteering in a classroom.  You may volunteer by taking work home and brining it back as requested by the teacher or you may work with a few students in class as instructed by the teacher.  All volunteers who work directly with students must have proof of TB Test on file before the volunteering can begin. 


- Library Volunteers:  Help our Library Media Technician organizing, “shelving” and “reinforcing” library books. 


-  Become a member of the School Site Council:  This is a school-community representative body that includes the principal, teachers, other school staff, and parents.  The School Site Council decides upon academic instructional programs, develops and evaluates the school plan, and all related categorical resource expenditures for our school.  To become a member, parents must be nominated and/or voted by other parents.


-  Become a member of the English Language Advisory Committee - (ELAC):  The purpose of this advisory committee is to build the capacity of parents/guardians of English learners to assist in the education of their children. The committee discusses and offers suggestions on the needs of English Learners, assists with developing a school needs survey, receives information about student testing results, and recommends actions to support regular school attendance, among other topics.  If your child is an English Language Learner, you can be a member of this committee.